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Innovation Talk: Rethinking The Home Care Workforce Through The Art of Connection

By MissionCare Collective | Jun 17, 2024

Innovation Talk: Rethinking The Home Care Workforce Through The Art of Connection

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the home care workforce, a significant shift is required to address the challenges faced by organizations today. During a recent enlightening 9-minute talk (watch below), our CEO, Brandi Kurtyka, shared her vision for transforming the traditional approach to workforce management. In a compelling presentation at the Home Care Innovation Forum, Brandi explored the untapped potential within organizations to revolutionize how they view and handle their workforce.

The Current State: A Focus on Recruitment

Brandi began by outlining the current state of workforce strategies, where a staggering 90% of time, money, and resources are dedicated to the constant cycle of recruitment. Organizations are fixated on the numbers game—how many applicants they can attract and how many people they can hire. Yet, this approach has led to a neglect of retention, with little attention and budget allocated to keeping valuable employees,.


The Problems: Turnover, Shortage, and Disconnection

The talk highlighted several pressing issues:

  • Turnover: For many companies, turnover is rising or remains a persistent challenge.
  • Shortage: There’s a significant shortage of workers, with too few entering the profession.
  • Disconnection: Caregivers, who often choose their profession out of a sense of calling and service, feel financially strained and socially isolated, exacerbating issues like anxiety and depression.


A New Opportunity: Flipping Workforce Strategy 

The central thesis of Brandi’s talk was the opportunity to radically rethink and reshape organizational culture by prioritizing what the workforce values most—connection. Instead of relying on transactional tools like apps or temporary strategies, she advocates for a fundamental shift towards fostering a culture of connectedness. This approach not only brings teams together but also aligns them more closely with the goals of the organization.

A Strategic Redraw: Efficiency and Recruitment

By focusing first on creating a connected culture, organizations can then leverage data more effectively, optimizing workforce efficiency and making strategic recruitment decisions. This new model allows for hiring fewer people but with greater focus on quality and long-term fit, ultimately enhancing profitability and reducing turnover.

The Goal: Changing KPIs

Brandi proposes changing the key performance indicators from merely hiring a set number of people each month to increasing the net workforce. This new goal encourages teams to improve both recruitment and retention, focusing on metrics that drive revenue and stabilize the workforce.

Conclusion: Making the Impossible Possible

In conclusion, Brandi emphasized that this approach is not only simple but actionable. By reorienting priorities and strategies, what seemed impossible—stabilizing a fluctuating workforce—becomes achievable, promising a brighter future for organizations willing to embrace this change.

Watch the Talk

Watch the full 9-minute clip and share your thoughts in the comments on Linkedin.